Saturday, December 15, 2007

4 months later...

And we just got the internet in the new place...

Just read the last one post on this blog and we don't have Wishbone anymore cos 3 weeks after he wandered to us,his owner rang me and said I had her dog. It's far too much to get into now, but the basics is that she had found out the dog was with us,didn't make contact with me(I had put up signs) and instead went on her holiday knowing her dog was being cared for by my family.
She didn't even have the decency to give us anything for minding him. My younger brothers and sister were so upset cos they had just bonded with him.
At least now when we get a new dog,he'll really be our's.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

3 nights down...

I like this color of font-it matches my socks today.
We're after moving to the countryside...No telephone (we've to wait 4-6 weeks for the line to be set up.), no good tv reception (we've got 3 channels) and I so far don't have curtains up, so the moon keeps me awake for ages, then the sun is sehr bright in the morning. At about 6:20am the past few mornings to be precise.
But strangely,I'm enjoying it. Back to basics in a way I guess. We don't have our computer hooked up yet,so I'm typing this as I'm in the library for a little while while we're in town. But they have the networking sites blocked like and , so I can't even go to my URLs and check my new comments.
But yeah, there's something pleasant about not having curtains in the sitting room yet,seeing how quickly the moon rises (and how BRIGHT it can be!!), watching Harry Potter in the semi darkness with the family and drinking hot chocolate.(That I made in our fancy new microwave.)The house may be a complete mess, but that's the fun of it. Sleeping (pretty much) level with the floor as my bed isn't made yet, so I'm on the mattress of it and looking at my bookcase from the floor up. Our puppy seems to enjoy the space he has now in the larger garden, but he isn't quite used to the road outside the house which is very busy. It was market day yesterday in the nearby village, so every lorry and tractor in the country drove past on the way to it. Wishbone (as he is now called) however doesn't seem to mind this, so he has been in the garage a bit the past few days. Otherwise we'll have 2 graves in the garden.(The other being our dog who had to be put down in December,but we buried him at the new house so he's with us.)
So I'm not sure when I'll be back on this. I might be able to at my cousin's sometime soon, but we'll see. Oh, and I'm still waiting for 'The Secret' to work in selling our other house. My parents are thinking of renting it now, so who knows.